Why I Personally Choose to Use the Name Yahusha

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This is an article I wrote approximately mid 2021 concerning why I use the name Yahusha

This is my personal testimony as to why I use the name Yahusha and why I read the Cepher version. 


The new testament was indeed written in Greek. But was our Messiah's primary language was Greek? I'm sure he did speak in Greek to the Greeks. But when he was preaching to the nation of Israel, do you think he spoke to them in Greek? I personally don't think so. Please, let me explain why I believe this.


Yahusha would have spoken Hebrew to the Israelites. They would not have spoken Greek within their own cities, towns, and homes. They would not have spoken in Greek just because that was the culture growing up around them. The reason the new testament was written in Greek was because the age of the law was turning to the time of the gentliles. So even though it was written in Greek, the original language spoken was Hebrew. So therefore the Greek words would carry the Hebrew concepts. 


The second subject to be addressed is the topic of the modern English letter "J". The letter in itself was not originally used as a letter but a Roman numeral. It was not until the 17th century that is became a letter to differentiate between the use of the letter "I" as either a consonant or a vowel. The "I" represented both the traditional sound we know today as well as the "Y" sound we know today. The "J" represented the consonant sound of "Y". The use of the letter "J" did not represent the sound that we are familiar with today until the 19th century. Here are a few links provided concerning the history and origins of the letter "J":








This in and of it's itself posed a question for me: If the letter "J" was not used as such in the time of history when Jesus was born and taught his ministry, then how was our Messiah's birth name pronounced?


It was this information combined that I spent a lot of time praying to our Father upon. It was through the guidance of the Holy Spirit that I was lead to the knowledge of the paleo Hebrew language. Modern Hebrew is not the same as paleo Hebrew. It is very similar, but not the same. Just as old English has different concepts within certain words as the language evolved to our modern English we know today. 


This link provides archeological discoveries that show the use of what has been dubbed "paleo-hebrew" used in ancient Israelite writings and items.



It was through diligent prayer and study upon these truths that lead me to the Cepher bible. The Cepher carries over the Hebrew concepts of the Greek words and terminology used in the New Testament. Since, as I've stated, their language would have been their own native Hebrew, the concepts of the words would have been so as well. Especially when it comes to the Gospels and the words out Messiah spoke to the Israelites.


I would like to put a disclaimer here for the purpose of clarifying a concern with this bible:

The Cepher is discredited by some for the fact that it is used by the Hebrew Roots community. Although that is true, it does not make it a Hebrew Roots bible. That would be the same as saying since Freemasons use the King James Version, it is a Freemason bible. We must remember that Satan himself knows the scriptures and what they say. He will use anything he can to deceive and lead believers on a crooked path of lies and deception to put them on the wide path of destruction. This is why it is so important to make sure to pray and welcome the Holy Spirit into any bible study or reading. Only He can help us to understand. We cannot understand of our own according and thinking.


After much prayer to the Father I purchased the Cepher bible. It was through the use of this bible and information presented to me that I chose to start using the name "Yahusha". I had learned the pronunciation of the Father's ne YHWH in ancient Hebrew is Yahuah (yah-hwah). The name Yahusha, which is the ancient variant of the name Joshua we know today) literally means Yahuah is Salvation (not to be confused with the ancient Hebrew word yeshuah, which simply means salvation). So that is why I personally chose to use the name Yahusha as opposed to the ne Jesus that I used my entire life up until 2018. 


Now I would like to make a clarification concerning use of the ne Jesus:

I in no way condemn nor would I dismiss the use of the name we are all familiar with. There is much testimony concerning the power of the name Jesus. I am not saying there isn't nor am I denying the power of the name. I have clarified even unto my own children that if they feel more comfortable using the name Jesus then that is how they should address Him. My use of the name Yahusha is not a subtle condemnation of use of the name Jesus. I still use the name Jesus depending on who I am speaking to such as my lukewarm friends who claim belief but live in the world. When I am speaking to them concerning this, I use the name Jesus. The use of the name is only a personal decision I have made. It is not to be taken in a sense that it has to be used. I am in no way denying nor am I ashamed of my Savior, Master, Lord, and King. It is only a representation of the personal choice I made in my personal relationship with Him.


The Holy Spirit has also reminded me of this verse: 

His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself. CHIZAYON (REVELATION) 19:12 את CEPHER

His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself.

Revelation 19:12 KJV



This article is not meant to be seen as a means of persuasion. The purpose of this article is only to help bring clarity and understanding as to why I choose to use the name Yahusha over the name Jesus. 



The names Judah and Judas are derived from the same name in Paleo Hebrew, Yahudah. They are the same name in different translations; 1 in Greek, 1 in Jewish. 
