The dilemma of the Janissaries - The fool - The reproduction of evil - Revelation of truth

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Yesterday, I had a stunning insight concerning a phenomenon that has been in my mind for some time. I decided to write this down and share it with you. It is about the dilemma of the fools when the truth is revealed to them. I call this phenomenon "The dilemma of the Janissaries".

When truth is revealed to the fools and the fools understand they were duped, they are in a serious dilemma. They will either accept the truth and change their worldview, or continue being the fools. This dilemma might seem easy to solve (who wants to be fool, anyway), but consider a situation which is irreversible and the life of the victim depends on it. Will the victim consciously choose the lies over the truth?

Let me explain by way of an example. You may have heard of the Janissaries. They were a brutal military unit of the Ottoman Empire, recruited from the sons of Christian nationalities living under Ottoman rule. They were trained to become killers of their own families (Christian nations), and they were notorious for their shameless lust for wars and other vices. Like the SS of the Third Reich, they were brainwashed with incredible propaganda since childhood, to such a degree that they believed their parents were evil, and put all their devotion to the Ottoman ruler, not knowing that they have been fooled. The Ottoman ruler knew well about psychology and propaganda and used it extensively to expand his empire.

One may find more examples like this in history, including the fools in our days who don't understand they have been fooled. The question is what will happen when a fool is exposed to the truth? Will one be able to accept it? We know for a fact that most smart-asses are unteachable, so is there something good to expect?

Considering the example of the Janissaries, it is more probable that they will reject the truth, as it will be a shame for their intelligence and they will prefer to put blinders on their eyes, even if that means serving evil instead of good. It's not them to blame of course, since, like the Janissaries, they do not know what they are into, since their childhood. However, the Bible says that there comes a day when the masks are off, the deceptions are revealed, and even the blind are encountered with a calling to keep fooling themselves or break free of their chains. Take for example the Janissaries. They were not only killer soldiers, they were also the most depraved and immoral of all sinners. They were exactly what the Bible mentions as slaves of sin (Romans 6:15-23). The Bible says that people who have been blinded by the darkness of their sins, they will be offended by the truth and will not accept it out of pride, unless they repent.  Proverbs 11:2 "Pride cometh, then cometh shame: but with the lowly is wisdom." Proverbs 26:11 "As a dog returns to its vomit, so a fool repeats his folly". As we read in 2 Peter 2:2, "many will follow in their depravity, and because of them the way of truth will be defamed".

Likewise, the fools in our days do not understand they have been fooled. They will say that everything is done for their own good, putting their trust in men rather than God (Psalm 118:8). Mark Twain famously has said: "It's easier to fool people than convince them they have been fooled". Victims will rather choose to continue obeying their masters, instead of being corrected. The reason for this is that regretting one's actions which were shameful, hurtful, or wrong is unpleasurable, unless one asks God for forgiveness/remission of sins and puts his/her trust in Him. Another obstacle mentioned in 1 John 2:16 is letting down the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, so may people as in love with. It's not easy for people to accept criticism, let alone accept they have been sinners (Romans 6:20-21 20 For when ye were the servants of sin, ye were free from righteousness. 21 What fruit had ye then in those things whereof ye are now ashamed? for the end of those things is death.)

That being said, the revelation of the truth brings every individual encountered with a dilemma, the same dilemma of the Janissaries, the dilemma of the fool. Will we continue to CONSCIOUSLY repeat the same mistakes, the same injustices, reproducing evil like the Janissaries, or will we be sincere and repent, as the Bible says we must do and accept Jesus Christ as our savior, an essential part of our journey in God. John 14:6 "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."

Eventually the truth prevails, and a select few will understand it, as Peter often pointed out (e.g. 1 Peter 1:12). God does indeed triumph over evil, as long as God sits on the throne of His universe. Repentance is a an essential part of our journey in God, because accepting we have been fooled leaves room to improve ourselves in God's eyes, which is part of being humble. Acknowledging this dilemma is a great place to start.

I pray to Heavenly Father, He gives you discernment while reading this.

God Bless you and keep you safe!

Osostrong 4 years ago

So true. Only God can open up these blind eyes. Nobody wants to hear truth. Pride is a wicked spirit indeed.

ValarMorghulis87 4 years ago

Wow. Ok so many points that you made. Truth is absolutely a gem when you have been living in the poverty of sin and deception ones entire life. At least that is the stance that Christ would have us take and what he came to provide. Truth in a world that is literally DYING for it. Yet just like you mentioned, most would rather die than take a sip from the living water. From prideful and sinful hearts like you said. And it makes it difficult too because truth presents one with a choice they have to make. Choosing to remain blind, or choosing to remain neutral will not be without consequences. The Lukewarm are spit out of the mouth of God. Thank you for sharing this!