Why the mainstream media are not to be trusted!

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Watching television affects our thoughts and ultimately our behaviors. This article explains why it is so critically important for us to step out of the media mind control programming.

There is no doubt that a lot of people lately have started questioning the official media narrative, not just about the plan-demic, but in general regarding what they hear and see in the news. For example, we hear that so many people die every day in the hospitals, that the situation in hospitals is like the emergency scenes we see in the movies, yet the same hospitals when filmed by people they appear to be silent and in some cases empty. People have started wondering, why so many nurses making dancing videos at social media, in the midst of the deadliest pandemic in human history? Aren't they supposed to be the "heroes", working overtime to save lives, instead of making silly videos at Tiktok? Where do they find the humor? Haven't they seen a lot of deaths already? And shouldn't they have a little respect for the worrying families of the infected or at least be concerned about themselves? These are LEGIT questions that no one seems to address in the mainstream media. Why is so?

I will try to give my answer to these questions, but first let me raise some more contradictions of our times. Don't you find it highly suspicious that so many famous personas such as celebrities and politicians have contracted this new virus, but very few common people in our circles have? Are the stats published by the authorities to be trusted at all? In my opinion, there are two possible explanations for this. Either the celebrities are paid to fool us or this is a celebrity virus. On the medical side, the numbers of cases have been called out by respectable doctors to be out of reality. E.g. Dr. Ioannidis said this is a fear campaign and the two California doctors that came our recently called out the death stats. They said their own data collection show that the true deaths from the virus are lower than those of the common flu. They said that the virus has not been isolated, and that the doctors don't know anything about what the new virus is. All they know is its reaction which is similar to a classical acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). As for the tests, they are based on the symptoms and the existence of an RNA sequence in an antibodies reaction and are therefore not conclusive. And seriously, why 90% of those who died had co-morbidities. Isn't it a coincidence that North Italy, where all these deaths occurred, happens to be the most air-polluted area in Europe, with the most senile population in Europe, and a historic peak of cardiac and respiratory diseases? This was called out by doctors such as Dr. Ioannidis, but the mainstream media don't seem to care.

On top of that, why shut down the economy, and force millions of people to lose their job? Isn't it strange that billionaire Bill Gates, who develops the vaccines, predicted the outbreak back in 2015, and now wants us ALL to get vaccinated before our life returns back to normalcy? Isn't it strange that he, himself, is the biggest financier of the World Health Organization, and close friends with the head of the pandemic management at the White House? Don't you find it a bit suspicious that the food processing companies closed their factories for a few possible virus cases, which immediately resulted in shutting down the food supply and creating food shortages at the groceries? Isn't it strange that a lot of states and countries have banned the purchase of non-essential items? What has this to do with the pandemic anyway? And why force everyone to wear mask and stay at home, when masks do not help reduce the spread of a virus? As a matter of fact, masks lower our immune system and make us more prone to diseases, doctors say. So wouldn't be me more prudent to isolate the sick, as it is normally done in cases of viruses? These are only a few of the things never touched on by the mainstream media. All they want us to do is fear and obey the rules.

On the financial side, isn't it a coincidence that stock markets was in a historic bubble and it crashed at the same time of an oil crisis the Middle East, while the virus is taking the blame for everything? Isn't it strange that hundreds of big companies CEOs sold their shares just before the financial crisis happened? These questions are not raised by the mainstream media. Instead all you hear is celebrities repeating the same mind-numbing slogans #stayhome and #stopthespread, turning the blame on YOU. The FED is now printing trillions of dollars a day to save the economy (bailing out first and for most the banks, and then whole industries), and giving less than 1/50 of this printed money to you and me, the common people. Doesn't this make you think that the crisis looks like scheme to make the rich richer and destroy the middle class? Oh, and let's talk about resetting the economy and the beginning of the Digital era (4th Industrial Revolution). Who will benefit from it? The small mom-and-pop familly owned businesses or the Big Tech? There are many more questions that you will never get answer from the mainstream media.

A lot of things just don't add up and the terrible lies we've been told cannot hide themselves from the light. So, is this the biggest scam ever in human history? I think ABSOLUTELY positive. Have people lost their critical thinking? Well, I think not yet, but people are MASSIVELY deceived, and a lot of people are part of the establishment, therefore "complicits" to this crime. Personally, I believe 2 Thessalonians 2:10-12 says it very well, it's a sign of the deceptive times we live in, as people have lost the desire for the truth, "10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: 12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness."

There is no doubt in my mind that the corrupt media have been lying to us for ages, and we have just started to see the man behind the curtain. We are living in times of great deceit, and it is ABSOLUTELY IMPERATIVE to help our brothers and sister break free from the media programming trying to turn our children into obedient consumers, cheering on the stripping away of their constitutional rights, their privacy, their freedom of movement and ultimately their freedom of thought. It's more than obvious where this leads. If the hate speech bills pass into law, there is no question that any opinion opposing the government and big corporations is going to be penalized. This is where tyranny starts. So, I am asking you my good friends, what will you do? What if the police decides to come to your house and takes your child away because of a virus allegation by someone on the internet? Contact tracing apps are already downloaded by millions Australians and once they take it to the next level, connecting the app with the police to arrest the infected, there will be no time to do anything. I'm sorry if this sounds harsh or surprises anyone. We are living indeed in a crisis of truth, and of democracy. It may also soon be existential crisis and we have to stay together to survive, and pray together constantly to combat the evil forces,  even thought they don't let us stay together closer than 6 feet. It is at least imperative that people start waking up and seek for alternative sources of information and don't put their trust in traditional "authoritative" sources.

At this moment, there's literally a ton of channels in Youtube, Bitchute and other online platforms, dedicated to exposing the agendas and answering the questions I raised. Unfortunately, they get only a tiny fraction of the viewership the mainstream media and celebrities get. Mark Twain samously said: "It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled"? I hope and I believe every sensible human being in the planet wants to know the truth and doesn't like to be lied to. Either the mainstream media is lying or the people who dare to critically question them are domestic terrorists. Please don't stay frozen or puzzled when our freedom is at stake. Don't get mad you have been fooled. Everyone has. Praise God He has awaken you from sleep.

Although I don't know everything nor I'm correct in everything, I hope you appreciated these thoughts and you can look up for answers yourself. I will try to cover some more aspects in a next article, as this starts getting too long. We are all in this together and we can "fight" the good fight with God in our side.

God bless you my friends. Grace, mercy and peace be multiplied.
