How to “fight” the Illuminati. Part1: The weapons of our warfare

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This is an article on spiritual warfare. It exposes some of the methods of manipulation and teaches some Biblical principles for "fighting" them.

Every now and again, I see a comment that goes basically "why don’t we rise up, or how do we fight them?" I would like to share my insight concerning this. The only way to "fight" the Illuminati is to unplug and be free from their control, in as many ways as possible.

First is freedom through Jesus Christ, from whom comes life, and spiritual freedom, who said if you continue in my word then are ye my disciples indeed, and ye shall know the truth and the truth will make you free. An uprising, revolution, or a civil war is actually something they want, and are working toward. After all, the easiest way to destroy your enemy is for them to destroy themselves. This is probably the main reason  and agenda behind Trump, this nation has never been more divided and at each other’s throat, hostile. Divide and Conquer.

And I have heard more random people mentioning civil war and revolutions here of late. Obviously, we should know a civil war is useless, because we are destroying and fighting the wrong enemy, but a revolution? A revolution would result in the same, and we would  ultimately destroy ourselves. For example, people will step on people to death for junk on Black Fridays, what do you think would happen with the chaos that a revolution would cause when no more food is on shelves and our economy shuts down?

I’ll tell you, people would kick doors down and kill for food. Don’t get me wrong, I carry a gun on me, and I think you should too, but I’m looking at the big picture here. And again, we would destroy ourselves, no one is self sufficient, few have land and food for themselves, and we are as a majority dependent on corporations. They know this, whether a civil war or revolution, it would ultimately fall into their hands, and they would regain control by force in the end. The only thing they can’t account for or defend against, is when a person wakes up and unplugs. But knowing is only half the battle, what you do with your knowledge is what counts.

When their manipulation has no more power, when they can’t force you to buy into their arguments and the left-right paradigm. Start with ourselves and reach those closest to us. Read about silent weapons for quiet wars and learn what real social engineering is, the automation of society, economic warfare, Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, they have already accounted for revolutions and civil wars.

Imagine if we all shut off the tv, video games and movies, they couldn’t shape our opinions, rile us up, manipulate the masses, imagine if we weren’t ruled by materialism and sold ourselves into willful slavery, as it is written, love not the world neither the things that are in the world, they wouldn’t be able to make slaves and shift the wealth.

Hope this helps, I have much more but I worry it’s already too long for some to read through. I understand a mass awakening is unlikely, it may be too late, but at least they can’t beat you, civil war and revolutions won’t work, they have accounted for them, ultimately our hope is in eternal life with the Lord Jesus Christ. The weapons of our warfare are not carnal. May the Lord give thee understanding. Grace mercy and peace be multiplied.

Midnight_Lantern 4 years ago

Hey cool to be here...
checking everything out

ValarMorghulis87 5 years ago

Well said! Great points about unplugging! Lucifer wants to destroy the human race. Since we already have our Savior in Christ we can totally reject this satanic system. The world will get so desperate and hopeless, that to them the Anti-Christ will seem like the true messiah. But our Messiah has risen and his sheep know His voice! Thanks for posting!