Parable of the Ten Virgins

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Short but Thorough Exposition of the Famous Parable found in Matthew 25:1-13

The "virgins" are all believers, and thus have "light" in their "lamps", which lamp is the "spirit of their mind", as Ephesians 4:23 and Proverbs 20:27 collectively tell us.  And that "Light" in the lamp of their minds is Christ, Who is the "Light of the world" (John 8:12) and gives Light to those who draw near to His illuminating Truth (Matthew 5:14-16), just as Christ told the Pharisees that they were happy for a time to bask in John the Baptist's light, while they had it (John 5:33-35), who preached of the True Light--Christ (John 1:6-9, 19-30).  The Holy Spirit is the oil, which sanctifies (Leviticus 8:10-12), just as oil functionally does,--(it being anti-fungal/bacterial/viral [Luke 10:34])--, and which was, as we know, Biblically used for anointing kings, prophets, and priests, and holy articles.  The "foolish virgins" or believers are like the stony ground that has no Root in it (Mark 4:16-17; 1 John 2:18-19; Revelation 22:16; John 15:5-8), being those who have "believed in vain", to use Paul's words (1 Corinthians 15:1-2; John 12:42-43; James 2:14-17), having no Oil in their "vessels", which is to say having not the Holy Spirit, and thus they are not known by God, being none of His, as Paul says, for not having His sanctifying Spirit (Romans 8:9, 13-14).  They are thus ever in danger of having their Light "go out", in hard times (Matthew 25:8).  All the virgins or believers sleep just as the disciples slept in the garden, to which nocturnal incident the Second Coming is analogous, when Christ was briefly taken away from them about a stone's throw, as Luke says (Luke 22:45; Matthew 24:9-12), because believers and their church ministries belong to "the day", as Paul speaks symbolically in Thessalonians, and not to "the night" (1 Thessalonians 5:4-6); and the disciples therefore slept only to be awakened by Christ's return, because that intermediary period of "sorrow" was the "hour and the power of darkness", as He there told them (Luke 22:52-53; Psalm 2:1-2; Revelation 17:12-14; 13:7), "when no man can work", as He further informed in the gospel of John (John 9:4-5; 2 Thessalonians 2:3-8; John 17:12).  When the disciples awake, it is at the return of Christ, to Whom they go, at the Mount of Olives (Luke 22:39; Zechariah 14:4-21; Job 19:25-26), to be gathered with Him (Matthew 13:30; Revelation 19:11-14), right when the "multitude" also gathers to oppose Him (Luke 22:47-48; Revelation 19:19-21; John 18:3-6).  "The foolish", who do not have His Spirit, but who merely called Him Lord and listened to His preaching but did not obey Him (Matthew 7:22-23, 26-27), like the young man among the disciples who flees naked (Mark 14:51-52), are rejected for not being known by Him, for not being clothed in His righteousness (2 Corinthians 5:2-3; Revelation 19:7-8; Matthew 22:11-14).  And "the wise" (Matthew 7:24-25), who have been made wise by Christ's indwelling Spirit, which searches out the deep things of Christ, as Paul said (1 Corinthians 2:10-16), are gathered with their Lord, to meet with Him in the clouds (1 Thessalonians 4:15-17).
