Everyone Is A Conspiracy Theorist

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Taking a sober moment to fully examine the individual words constituting the popular stigma, 'Conspiracy Theory'.

Men should not avoid or renounce this term, but rather explain it to anyone who thoughtlessly views it as a word of slander. No doubt we know this is what such words are intended to be—a slanderous and insulting term. But that is not the point; by correctly owning it, those branded by it can steal its power. Looking at the individual words that make up the popular stigma, we find that the first word, “conspiracy”, using the world's Dictionary, is defined as "an evil, unlawful, treacherous, or surreptitious plan formulated in secret by two or more persons; a plot"; it simply, of course, means “to conspire”, which verb form of the word, being the form most often used by average people, may thereby more readily convey it’s quite unextraordinary definition.  The second and last word, “theory”, means "a coherent group of tested general propositions, commonly regarded as correct, that can be used as principles of explanation and prediction for a class of phenomenon".  Thus, with a little consideration, we discover these two individual words to be quite practical and even vastly respected terms; and yet by merely putting them together, we have an insult?—hardly. In fact, there isn't a single set of criminals, whatever their committed crime, who have not been arrested for conspiracy, which is to say who have not hatched a plot to accomplish their wrong.  And all those who have acted over such criminals in the way of judge and jury, have necessarily done their best, using whatever little or substantial evidence was made available to them, to theorize as to the exact nature of what those criminals had conspired to do.  For, as conspiracy is at essence a "plan formulated in secret", everyone and anyone who has ever harbored bad intentions has committed "conspiracy" in their heart, which is to simply say that they have conspired with themselves.


The world—(hypocritical system that it ever is and will be, which can never stand on its own two feet, but which is ever divided and therefore has an end, like Satan it's master)—this sinful world cannot even slander the righteous and right-minded without looking foolish, if such stigmatized individuals would only detect the fact and look for the inevitable error and contradiction existing within the insulting lies of their slanderers; for Truth is on the side of the righteous, and those of this world have only weak, self-defeating lies. By calling sensible people "conspiracy theorists", which everyone ultimately is, they condemn their own respected world views, which views they inevitably and invariably categorize under “theories” and as “theories” all day long, in their most respected institutions:—the theory of relativity, the theory of evolution, number theory, music theory, Astrophysics theory, Scientific theory; and the list goes on pretty much infinitely, involving the greatest to the least field of study; the word "theory" being validated among their most respected professions and coming from their most respected minds; and being more often accepted as fact, whenever used by them, but somehow as insanity whenever they brand the nonconforming with the same term. This ought to display to man the lack of critical thinking the world over; which of course thinking men are all well aware is a huge problem; these parroting citizens understanding every term, (very much in the way that children do), only ever by its persistent association rather than by its actual definition or meaning.


So how is everyone a conspiracy theorist, so much so that the term is a moot point, and just as stupid as pointing out that one set of humans live under a blue sky? Well, take for instance, the well-known scenario of asking one class of person, and by no means a small class, if they trust their government; to which this person will eagerly admit, "No!" So what else is that distrustful person accusing their government of but “conspiracy”? On what basis do they not trust their government, save for the fact that, often with good and sensible reason, they believe their government to be largely out for its own good? And once you have a "them", you clearly have two or more; and once you believe "them" to be "up to no good", or "out for themselves", how else can that group have achieved such a purpose unless they have "conspired" with one another to act against others in pursuit of establishing their own interests? Hence, such people who do not trust their government, to whatever degree they don't, are themselves "conspiracy theorists"; for they inevitably imagine, or theorize if you will, all manner of ways in which their government goes about in effort to establish its tyranical dominion. This principle carries on with any person regarding any institution, whether governmental or not; if such a person believes any group to use its power or influence for its own selfish benefit, which is to invariably imply some level of malice or harm sought upon everyone else, then such persons suspicious of so simple and obvious a reality in this forever warring world are themselves a "conspiracy theorist" or a conspiracist.  Not to be redundant: but the label is so commonplace that any citizen of any country, believing any foreign people or outside force—(say a terrorist group for instance?)—to wish or to intend harm upon their own nation; such a patriot is likewise a "conspiracy theorist" at heart for believing such a group to have conspired against them and their fellow countrymen after whatever means or method which it is only natural to try and attempt to infer. It's even as simple as believing, for any length of time, that any one of your co-workers or classmates, like a bully, a teacher or a boss, or a rival, or a set of siblings, or a neighbor, or one side of your family—that any one of these have privately meant or presently mean to do you some manner of harm or injustice. Whether such people, suspected of malice, have conspired with themselves or with others against you, it's all conspiracy theory.


So now, in light of such considerations, who in the world is not a “conspiracy theorist”? The term is indeed worthy of all respect, and of not one bit of mockery. And men should not run from such a label, but, whenever they have the opportunity, they ought to triumph over the poorly-placed stigma with obvious truth, and enlighten those who have been trained not to use their own brains in effort to similarly judge such obvious truths which the evil system thrusts before their very face, and then convinces them to repeat but not at all to consider.
