Is The Average Person Destroying The Earth?

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A compendious look into the ongoing environmental concern.

Truly, it is not the average civilian who is destroying any part of the earth.  With all the practical concerns and grievances which the average man must daily bear in his life, he need not bear this enormous weight upon his individual shoulders as well.

Aside from the fact that the vast earth is a profoundly resilient ecosystem, from which fascinating operations man has learned his own more rudimentary process of recycling, it is the corporate and governmental powers that are to blame for anything one might judge to be wrong with the earth.  Insomuch as the governing laws grant these rich tycoons the license to continuously manufacture cheaper and cheaper products for no more reason than their insatiable greed, to say nothing of their more sinister agendas, it is an expected consequence that such companies must strip the earth’s natural resources all the more frequently in order to compensate for the frailty and nondurability of their scant products which must go as quickly into the garbage and ultimately into gigantic landfills that grow all the more numerous.  After-all, it is not the average man, whether he places his plastic in a recycling bin or not, who manufactures countless disposable plastic containers, as opposed to reusable glass ones, or who manufactures entire vehicle bodies out of plastic and builds their engines not to last as long as the older models; neither is he responsible for what happens to such garbage once he complies with the basic recycling procedures.

All inter-corporate merchandise, like that which exclusively belongs to hotels, resorts, gyms and other various businesses, is of a greater, more lasting quality than what is sold to the average person, displaying in full view that such corporations would never buy what they nevertheless insist on selling, because it is of capital interest to these tycoons to convert regular men into nothing but consumers, and to keep customers repurchasing things their whole lives long, and endlessly putting money into the pockets of men who outsource their jobs to third-world economies which can be more easily and cheaply manipulated, stifling and stunting these countries they bully, while robbing their own countrymen of the jobs they are obliged by reciprocity to give them, on account of the fact that these companies owe their countrymen their very existences, and that they are otherwise only to exploit their countrymen by strictly selling to them their fragile, imported wares.

Nevertheless, God has already foretold the earth’s history.  Man will not go extinct because of the earth.  He need not fear that.  Let him principally, if not solely, be concerned with loving his neighbor and spreading the good message of the Gospel, and leave the fate of the earth and those destroying it, as Revelation 11:18 outs such men, to God’s perfect judgment.

Osostrong 4 years ago

YES! Amen! Well said! I am so sick of this stupid climate change nonsense. These elites that blame us for the environment are led by Satan and they're purposely changing God's creation through GMO's, chemtrails and biosynthetics and nanotech. The only blame that belongs on the average man is that they ignore reality and choose to believe these men of insatiable greed. They are even idolized for their wealth and social stature. Praise God that He is coming in vengeance and bring justice upon these men's heads. We don't have to do anything. The Lord will avenge us and we will see Heaven soon!

Kitkat 4 years ago

Amen to that! (: Blessings, in JESUS! (: